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ARTS 114
Introduction to 3D Design

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The assignment above is a wire sculpture of a tennis player hitting a forehand shot. Along with the sketches utilizing volumetric lines and quick line gesture techniques.

Line and Balance

For this assignment, I was instructed to construct a wire sculpture of a human figure in action using asymmetry balance. Using different types of lines, such as: quick line gesture, simple contour line, cross contour line, and volumetric line, I sketched the action photo. After selecting the best sketch, I began sculpting my action figure incorporating different types of expressive lines. In attempt to get the proportions as accurate as possible, I was instructed to start constructing with the head of the figure. The goal was to make the project look as if the sculpture is made out of one unified piece of wire. It was important to try and capture the fluidity of my sketch. Once the project was completed, I was to mount it onto a wooden display base.

Plane to Mass 

The goals of this assignment were to create a three-dimensional robot out of cardboard or poster board while integrating contrast curvilinear and rectilinear planes. The assignment required students to study the anatomy of 3D shapes to see how flat shapes are designed to form 3D shapes. We were then instructed to sketch up ideas for our robot, and once we were satisfied, we would start the construction of the robot using whichever medium chosen and hot glue. For my robot, I chose to use foam board as my medium and used triangular prisms, rectangular prisms, and curvilinear planes in my design. 

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The assignment above is my Plane to Mass finished robot along with the sketches of my ideas for the construction of the project. The medium for the robot used was white foam board. 

The assignment above displays both the sketch and finished project for my Pattern to Balance assignment. My tile was sculpted using red, air-dry clay. 

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Pattern to Balance

This assignment instructed students to create a decorative clay tile which incorporated symmetrical, asymmetrical balance. The recommended clay for this project was air-dry clay. Students were instructed to sketch up a design of the desired pattern which displayed a symmetrical, asymmetrical balance. Once satisfied with the sketch, students were instructed to begin sculpting the tile. Using both subtractive and additive clay techniques, the final tile would be produced. 

Rhythm and Proportion

The purpose of this assignment was to get a better understanding of expressing rhythm. This would be accomplished through the designing of a Planar Reduction version of a naturalistic sculpture using faceted planes to describe the sculpture's form. The form of the sculpture was to be constructed through the use of coiling technique without an armature. The introduction assignment was the beginning sculpture without added faceted planes. The final assignment for this project was the sculpture with added faceted planes. For this assignment, I chose to recreate a naturalistic sculpture of a rhino. This was done using red air-dry clay. 

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The assignment above pictures my Rhythm and Proportion assignment. The picture on the left is of the introduction assignment, and the picture on the right is of the final result after the faceted planes were displayed. The sketch of the sculpture is also included.  

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The photographs above display my Emphasis Through Contrast assignment. The initial and armature sketches are also included. My project displays a large hand holding a smaller scaled well which represents Jesus' offering of His everlasting well of living water in John 4. The medium used was air-dry clay.

Emphasis Through Contrast

For this assignment, I was instructed to create emphasis in a three-dimensional way by using two contrasting sizes of two distinct forms. This assignment was also supposed to articulate a Christian worldview by illustrating a Bible verse that incorporates a contrast. This assignment also required students to learn how to create an armature when constructing a complex design through natural or synthetic clay. After reading the assignment requirements, students were instructed to start generating and sketching ideas for the project. Using the armature sketch, a dowel rod was also to be mounted to a piece of wood for the support of the project. Students were then instructed to start constructing a sculpting their sketch. The second part of the assignment included cutting out a piece of clay and removing the st from the beginning stages of construction. The hole was then to be repaired through the use of a clay patch. Details were also to be added during these stages. For my project, I chose to do the story in John 4 where Jesus offers his living water to the Samarian woman. The large hand is contrasting to the smaller well which symbolizes Jesus' offering. 

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