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FACS 241
Architectual Drafting

The Palmer Residential Project

For this project, students were assigned the clients Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. The Palmers reside in a one-bedroom apartment located in New York City, New York. Mrs. Palmer would like to open up the small kitchen to the living area for a more open-plan environment. The current appliances will be reused in the new design, but cabinetry is to be replaced. The current study room in the apartment will be converted into another bedroom with a closet.  All of the doors would be replaced, and the windows will also be replaced but remain the same size.

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The sheet above is the Cover Sheet for the Palmer Residential Project. This sheet includes an index of the drawings, reference symbols, abbreviations, team members, and the site location. 

Hand Drafted.

Cover Sheet 

The goals of this assignment were to create a cover sheet for the construction documents of the Saffer project. This cover sheet would provide necessary information to the contractor, city officials, and identifies all parties involved. A minimum of the Title Block with the G.0 page number, name of the project, address, team members, site location, index of drawings, abbreviations, and reference symbols were to be included on the cover sheet. 

Palmer Demolition.jpg

The sheet above is the demolition plan for the Palmer project. Everything shown in dashed lines will be a part of the demolition. 

Hand Drafted.

Demolition Plan

This assignment instructed me to recreate the provided Palmer floor plan on a 1/4" scale while utilizing correct line weights. The Demolition Plan was to include a N Arrow. The Palmer's requested an open kitchen/living concept, the study to be replaced with a second bedroom with a closet, and all windows and doors would be replaced. All of the propsed demolition was to be shown with dashed lines, and if walls were not completely removed, the dimension lines were to be included. The plan was to include a title block with A1.1 for the drawing number. 

Palmer Floor Plan.jpg

The sheet above is the floor plan for the Palmer's after the demolition. The kitchen is more open, and the study has become a bedroom with a closet. 

Hand Drafted.

Floor Plan

The goals of this assignment were to redesign the kitchen and study room as described in the project overview. The French doors leading into the study room were to be replaced with a 36" wide door. I was also instructed to incorporate recommendations for furniture layout, indicate flooring changes, along with including door, window, and wall tags. Walls were to be pouche'. This sheet was also to consist of a title block with the drawing number as A1.2. 

Palmer RCP New.jpg

The sheet above is the Reflected Ceiling Plan for the Palmers. There are five types of lighting on this plan which are labeled in the legend to the right. 

Hand Drafted. 

Reflected Ceiling Plan

For this assignment, I was instructed to provide a Reflected Ceiling Plan which was congruent with my remodeling proposal. The scale of this drawing was to be 1/4" =1'-0". The lighting symbols were also to be the heaviest line weight. The ceiling plan was to include light fixtures, switching diagram. ceiling heights, any notes required for any design clarification, room names, N Arrow, scale, title, and a legend of all the symbols utilized. The sheet number was to be A2.1.

Palmer Elevations.jpg

The sheet above is the elevations for the Palmer's renovated kitchen. The first elevation is where the first set of cabinets are, and the second elevation is the second set of cabinets with the dishwasher. 

Hand Drafted.

Kitchen Elevations

The overall purpose of this assignment was to provide the Palmers with elevation drawings of their new kitchen which is congruent to the remodeling proposal. Baseline notes and overall width and height dimensions were to be included. The elevation symbols from this plan were also to be added to the floor plan. The elevations were to be drawn on a 1/2"=1'-0" scale. The drawing number is A3.1 which should be included in the title block.  

Palmer Sections and Details.jpg

The details above show the details for the two types of cabinets used in the Palmer renovation. This is what the cabinets would look like if they were vertically cut in half.

Hand Drafted.

Sections and Details

For this assignment, I was instructed to include sections and details of elements which were specific to my Palmer project, A minimum of the base and wall cabinets were to be included. I was also instructed to determine where I was getting these details from as I would have to go back and add symbols to the final floor plan. The drawings were to be arranged in a logical and systematic format. They should also be justified to the bottom right of the sheet. All drawings were to be labeled and include a scale. Generic notes were also to be included in the details. The drawing number for this sheet is A4.1.

Palmer Doors and Windows.jpg

The sheet above shows details and types of windows and doors chosen to be used in the Palmer household. The door types include two interior styles and one exterior, The window type is a 24" double hung window.

Hand Drafted. 

Doors and Windows

The goals of this assignment were to create a door and window schedule for the Palmer household. Students were instructed to select a window type we liked which fit the size requirements and draw the window elevation at a 1/2" scale. I was also instructed to select door styles and types for each size door in the plan. These elevations were o also be drawn at a 1/2" scale. No hardware was to be included. he sheet number was A5.1. 

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Building Section

For this assignment, students were given an image of a multi-story building. Without tracing the provided image, students were to recreate the image by hand and by scale. The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to quickly hand draw a plan while being proportional. 

The image above displays the hand drawn sketch of the multi-story building without the use of any architectural drafting tools (except the lead). 


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The image above is the Lettering assignment displaying the two sizes of Architectual ettering done. 

With Architectural Lettering being one of the most recognizable elements in hand drafted plans, the purpose of this assignment was learning and understanding how to properly write for Architectural drafting. We were instructed to write the alphabet, numbers 0-9, our full name, and any Bible verse of our choosing. This was supposed to be written in 1/4" spacing and then again in 1/8" spacing. 

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Line Weights

For this assignment, students were instructed to draw ten 3" x 3" squares. It was requested that there was a 1/2"-1" space left between each square. Using the correct line weights and leads, we were to recreate the lines and patterns provided in the assignment instructions. This included woven lines in different sizes, different lines for each lead and weight along with dashed lines. 

The assignment above shows the 4 different tiles drawn along with the display of different line weights in 2B. HB, and 2B leads, 

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