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FACS 200
Interior Design I

Theory in Action

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The pictures above show the mind map for this assignment (top left), project sketches (bottom left), assignment write-up (center), and the picture of the final project (right).

Mind map and Write-Up Designed in Canva. Project Sketches Designed in Good Notes. Project was hand-made. 

This assignment was designed as a group project. We were assigned into groups of 4 where we would create a project that physically moves while representing at least one of the Laws of the Gestalt Theory. We were allowed to use any medium necessary to carry out our design. It also needed to be possible to view the project from all angles. This assignment also included the requirement of having an 8.5 x 11 inch vertically oriented write up which described how our project successfully represented at least one tenant of the Gestalt Theory. 

We first started with the Programming Phase where we created our mind map and began to generate ideas for our project. After running through a variety of ideas, we landed on the idea of doing a cherry blossom tree with hanging petals. This tree would display the Law of Similarity, Law of Continuity, and Law of Proximity. We came to the decision that carboard would probably be the easiest medium to work with while still being sturdy. Through the Programming Phase, I was assigned to sketch our vision and gather materials and design the trunk of the tree. I also helped with cutting out the petals and attaching them to the strings. The Schematic and Design Developement Phase was employed through our sketches of the trunk and tree structure. The Contract Administration Phase was then completed as we hung our project in the school library. 

Color Theory

This assignment is a creative and visual representation of the color wheel. Using my knowledge on primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, I was instructed to demonstrate my understanding regarding color theory and principles. The requirements of this assignment were to use an 18" x 24" paper and create an artistic interpretation of the color wheel. Without using the wheel form, I was to reinterpret the color wheel using only the primary colors. 

For my color wheel interpretation, I decided to paint a flower bouquet which used different types of flowers for each color on the wheel. Using my primary paint colors only, I created my secondary and tertiary colors.  

The picture displays a painting of the color wheel represented through a flower bouquet. 

Gestalt Theory

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The assignment above shows the Law of Closure (top left), Law of Continuation (top right), Law of Figure-Ground (center left), Law of Proximity (center right), Law of Similarity (bottom left), and Law of Symmetry (bottom right) using different colored paper squares.

For this assignment, I was to use my knowledge on the Gestalt Theory and visually create a representation of each of the six laws. I was provided with four different colored squares to show each of the laws.

I demonstrated the Law of Closure using my red and blue squares to create a broken circle and broken square which the human eye will close to see each shape.

The Law of Continuation is shown through all four colors of the paper squares. There is a clear pattern with the squares and grouping which implies that this pattern will be continued.

The Law of Figure-Ground is displayed through the red and blue squares. This format makes it so you perceive only one aspect as you can view it with both positive and negative and foreground-background perspectives.

The Law of Proximity is demonstrated using one the pink squares. I used the difference in spacing between the squares to show the two sides belonging together.

The Law of Similarity is shown through all four colored squares. The red and green squares can be grouped together as they are both shown as squares; however, they can be separated by their color. The same goes for the pink and blue squares. They are both shown as diamonds but can also be separated by their color. This shows how we group different things together based off of their similarity.

 Lastly, the Law of Symmetry is shown using all four colored squares. We group the dissimilar squares together to create a symmetry between the left and the right along with the top and bottom. 

Theory Applied to Interior Design

This assignment was applying Change Theory to Interior Design. The assignment instructed students to find an article which incorporates the principles of Change Theory as it relates to Interior Design. The article needed to be found from a respected source. I was instructed to do a write-up of the article summary. From the concept discussed in the chosen article, I was to build a model, using any medium, representing the space. After the model was built, I was instructed to do another write-up which provided an explanation to how my model demonstrates the Change Theory discussed in the article. 

I chose to do an article which discussed the design of a mental hospital being influenced by COVID-19 along with time. The wards in the hospital were dated in design which was ultimately revealed through the inconvenience the pandemic brought. The way that someone with a mental illness is viewed has changed through time. The hospital designed the rooms in an inhumane fashion where the wards were very bland and dated, had no natural light, and no privacy for patients as they "did not deserve it". As time went on, the way we view people with mental illnesses has changed, and so the design and treatment needs updating. My model showed a before and after of the rooms in the mental hospital. Using cardboard, I created a before room which had no natural light, no privacy, and dated furnishing. The after model had updated flooring, a private bathroom, natural light, and positive wall decorations. 

The assignment above displays the article notes (top left), mind map (top center), sketch of the model (top right), article summary (bottom left), Change Theory Model (bottom center), and the model summary (bottom right).

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FACS 200 - Model Summary.png
FACS 200 - Theory Applied to Interior Design Model Sketch.jpg
FACS 200 - Theory Applied to Interior Design Model Mindmap.jpg
FACS 200 - Theory Applied to Interior Design Notes.jpg
FACS 200 - Change Theory Model.png

Theory as an Experience

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The assignment above shows a start gazing box, mind map, sketch, and overview of the box. 

For this assignment we were assigned into groups of four to create a project which invites and encourages passersby to experience the Meaning of Place Theory. This project was not limited in which medium we could use, but it needed to be something that an individual could holistically experience through the incorporation of multisensory elements.

The Design Process began as we began to generate and think of ideas. We landed on the idea of a star gazing box as that is a core memory shared by many. Star Gazing is a representation of Sense of Place as security and comfort is often placed with the experience. We continued in the Programming Phase as we started to think of how we could build a star gazing experience. Ultimately, we landed on the idea of using cardboard and glow in the dark stars. I was in charge of sketching out what the group hoped the box would look like. We then met up after gathering the necessary materials to construct the box and bring our vision to life. When the box was finished, passersby were encouraged to stop by and lay down in the box with the blankets provided and close the curtains to experience the comfort and security of star gazing that they may have experienced in their childhood. 


The goals of this assignment were to select a piece of furniture in Montview Student Union and photograph it. I was then instructed to assess the functionalism of the piece through answering questions regarding the purpose, utility, fitness, intent, context, quality, and beauty. 

The piece I chose to critique was a chair found on the second floor of Montview. Through a descriptive analysis and critique of the chair's functionalism, I concluded that the chair meets the Functionalism's criteria. The distribution of utility, the chair was sustainable, and the purpose was accomplished through various components. 

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The assignment above is a Word Document of the provided questions answered in a detailed fashion.

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The image above is a Word Document of the three chosen locations compiled onto one page in Photoshop. 

Interior Ecosystem

For this assignment, I was hired by Snowshoe Resort in Snowshoe, West Virginia to develop plans for an all-season outdoor dining experience. As the firm responsible for the design, I will be in charge of the overall concept, planning, and oversight of the construction. To get a better insight and understanding of what makes an all-season outdoor dining experience successful, I was instructed to select three existing all-season outdoor resort venues. For each venue, I was instructed to analyze the human interaction with the natural, social, and designed environments. 

Symbolic Interactionalism

The requirements for this assignment were to examine my dormitory room or apartment and take three pictures of items that have meaning to me. In a couple sentences, I needed to explain how each of these items impacts me and has a symbolic meaning in my living environment and impacts my personal values, ideas, or concepts about the space. I was also instructed to read an article regarding Symbolic Interaction and answer the questions provided.

My chosen items consisted of my Bible verse wall, my bed, and my Bibles on my desk. All of these components make my space mine and both impact and represent my personal values. 

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The pictures and captions above represent the three items in my room that represent Symbolic Interactionalism. 

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Change Theory

For this assignment I was instructed to find an article from a reputable source which addresses how the interior design industry has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was to be a minimum of 500 words. 

The article I selected discussed many of the design changes and adaptations that the pandemic brought about. Interior designers have been tasked with creating safe environments through proper spacing and overall "intelligent" design. The idea of intelligent design is necessary as designers must always be expecting and preparing for a changing environment and society.

The document above is a summary of the selected article which represents Change Theory in Interior Design. 

Meaning of Place

The goals of this assignment were to identify and photograph three individuals on campus who exemplify the theories of Place Identity, Sense of Place, and Place Attachment. After interviewing each individual, I needed to include a brief summary of the interview and determine if the individual exhibits the specific tenet. 

My individual who represented the tenet of Place Identity was wearing a sweatshirt representing a location in Poland, and she had a love for Poland after she recently traveled there. The individual who represented Sense of Place had a level of comfort and security associated with one of the dining options on campus. Lastly, the individual who represented Place Attachment was wearing cowboy boots as it connects her to her home in the South.

The assignment above displays the photographs of each of the individuals I interviewed along with the tenet they exhibit and the summary of my interview with them. 

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